Spiritual Guidance for Summer Solstice

Hello Friends,

As we near the Summer Solstice I feel big transitions within me. I also hear a calling to nourish my body, mind, and soul in a deeper way. This feels aligned with the nourishment we receive in the summer from the sun, from play with family and friends, and the hope that the light brings. At this peak, we are fully awake.

Awakening with the light has me reflecting on the spiritual nourishment. What support do you reach for to feed your soul?

I’m deepening my spiritual practices of meditation, listening, writing, connecting to my guides, and asking them for support.

Spiritual support brings clarity, peace, a sense of safety and love from the Universe, a sense of purpose and meaning. We connect not only to guidance, but also to our power. Life becomes lighter in every sense of the word.

Being spiritually supported has many benefits and blessings, and with this in mind I decided to share a channeled message from my guides to you. The council of guides vibrate at a level of love and their purpose is to help us re-align us with love and truth instead of fear. As you receive their message I invite you to get quiet and tune in to any guidance they have for you. What comes to mind as you read their message? What images or visions arise? What shifts do you notice in your body after reading their message?

May this gift from the guides support you in welcoming the solstice and any transitions or transformations your are experiencing in your life. May it nourish you to celebrate, enjoy, and fully live these days of summer.



PS: Channeling Sessions with me are returning this summer with a 25% discount. Read below for details.

Photo by Frida Aguilar Estrada


Dear Ones,

We wish you to feel safe during times that may feel tumultuous. Times of big change in your individual lives and in the world at large. We wish you to know that there are ways you can feel safer in your body and energy. Your ability to self regulate is greater than you think and simpler than you think. We remind you that your body and energy are very capable of moving emotions and energy so that you don’t feel as heavy, as tired, as depleted. There are tools at your disposal- your breath, movement of your body, the elements of nature and the energetic vibrations that affect your body, mind, soul, like music.

This is a time to call upon all the tools available to you, within you, around you, so that you can process all the energy present. So that you can raise your individual vibration in the world. Once you raise your vibration, no only will it impact the world but it will allow you to do what you desire to accomplish within your life, within your family, within your community. That may be to simply experience joy in your life.

We let you know that this can be simple. Do not overthink the tools. Do not underestimate the simplicity of the tools. Do not underestimate your ability to shift your energy. Do not underestimate your body’s abilities.

Start with intention. What do you desire to feel?

Choose the simple tools that help you feel this way and allow powerful transformation.

We are with you.

Know that you are safe.

Know that you are loved.

~Council of Light


  • Deep breaths. Take 3 deep breaths. Pair them with reminders throughout the day, for example every time you sit or every time you look at your watch.

  • Stretching or shaking. Moving our bodies moves energy. A few options: Gently stretch your body. Shake from head to toe for a few minutes. Or dance. If you have more time and desire, try yoga flow poses or class.

  • Water. Drinking water or being close to water helps move out what you no longer need. Take a shower or bath. Spend time by a river, lake or ocean.

  • Fire. Sit by the fire, stare at the fire. The sight of a flame activates the amygdala, which is the emotional center of the brain. The flickering of flame promotes relaxation of your nervous system.

  • Bring in high vibrations. Play uplifting music, your favorite mantras or chants.

  • Energywork. Get support through an energy healing session such as Reiki to help you move any energy that feels stuck or stubborn to shift.

    Think of simple tools or practices that have supported you in the past. Notice what your body is yearning for.


Spiritual Channeling Sessions are Back!

Loving messages from my guides and yours. These channeling sessions bring clarity and support on your personal path. Receive guidance or confirmation in any area of your life where you may be feeling stuck, unsure, confused, or fearful. Messages offer love, peace, a sense of lightness and safety from the Universe, a sense of purpose and meaning. Connect not only to guidance, but also to your power and wisdom.

Sessions are 45 minutes and virtual. Regular price $125. Offer for July Only: $95


Personal Coaching Program

Announcing a 3 month intensive coaching program for deep support with transformation in your life. The program is personalized using a variety of techniques including coaching, somatic work, intuitive guidance, energy work, and spirituality. All of these work together to create awareness, acceptance, healing, transformation, support and aligned action on your goals. Throughout the program we work closely together. I will be your accountability partner as we set concrete goals and action steps towards your freedom and joy.


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